Background Information

The V-22 is the world’s first tilt rotor helicopter and was produced by two American companies, Bell and Boeing[1]. This helicopter has two rotors at the end of each wing, which can rotate 90 degrees from vertically upward to horizontal. This helicopter has the ability to vertically takeoff and land making it easier to maneuver or take off and land in smaller areas.

The objective is to design a scale model RC helicopter that mimics the V-22 Osprey [1]. The RC helicopter will have two rotors at the end of each wing powered by electric motors. These will then give the plane the ability to take off vertically upward. Once the plane is elevated the propellers will rotate 90 degree to face horizontally forward while the plane remains at the same position. This will allow for the design to fly as a plane.

Through the design process mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering processes will be incorporated and learned to create the final product. AutoCAD[2] programs will be used to design the planes structure and have to be tested for its aero. Mechanical engineering processes will be used to make the propellers tilt at the correct angle through the use of servos. The desired outcome will be to make a scale model tilt rotor helicopter that can vertically take off and change the angle of its propellers to fly as a plane

Boeing’s V-22 has two Rolls-Royce AE1107C motors rated at 4586 kW each. The V-22 weighs 23,859 kg. This equates to a power to weight of 19:50 (.38). The model RC plane has two GForce 2204-1650KV rated at 65 kW each. The plane should have a total weight of 350 grams. This equates to a 37:100 (.37) power to weight ratio.

[1] V-22 Osprey, Federation of America Scientists,” [online] 2013, (Accessed: 10 April 2013).
[2]"AutoCAD"[User Manual] 2012, (Accessed: 10 April 2013)

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