Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week 6: May 5 - May 11

Figure 1: Wing Rib
This week we worked on putting the wing together as seen in Figure 3.  The ribs were cut out at 3-3/8" to match the width of the wing and given a rounded top to give depth to the wings.  There are 20 ribs spread across the wing.  Several ribs were glued to both ends as well as in the center due to the wieght in those positions as seen in Figure 4.  The wing needs to be stronger on the ends in order to hold itself together while supporting the weight of the motors, so more ribs were placed in those areas.  The center is attached to the plane and requires a large amount of strength as it is the connection to the main body.  Holes had to be cut in the ribs in order to allow the carbon fiber rod, which will hold and turn the motors, to turn indie the wing.  The holes are centered inside the rib as seen in Figure 2.  After the holes were cut the ribs were glued to the bottom of the wing.  Once they were set, the top of the wing was glued on as seen in Figure 5.  Everything was put together with hot glue.

Figure 2: Ribs with holes

Figure 3: Ribs on the Wing
Figure 4: Ribs on the Wing: Top View

Figure 5: Complete Wing

The tail wing was fabricated the same way as the main wing except with less ribs.  It can be seen in Figure 6. In Figure 7, the tail wing is shown complete with its wings covered. This covers the work that was completed up to May 9th.
Figure 7: Tail Wing Complete

Figure 6: Tail Wing

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