Thursday, May 2, 2013

Week 5 Post April 21-May 4

Today the group worked on cutting out the pieces of the wings for assembly.  The wings will be made of three different types of pieces, the top and bottom parts that will enclose the ribs which will give the wings a depth. As seen in Figure 1, the depth of the wing will allow for a great lift while the airplane flies in plane mode.  The small bar the is going through the wing is a carbon fiber rod that will turn the motors after the airplane takes off vertically and when required to land vertically. The electronics and servos will be placed inside the plane which will be hallow. The wings were completely cut out and are ready to be glued together.  The last things needed to be cut out are the main piece that will hold the two fuselages together, and the tail wings.  Once these are all cut out, It will be glued together and the motors will be ready to be attached.
Figure 1: Remodeled Creo Design with Rotors
The plane body was cut out, and part of the electrical was completed today.  The rotors were connected to their circuit boards by having their wires soldered together.  In Figure 2, one of the motors in being soldered to its board with a soldering iron.  This completes the work that was performed on Thursday.

Figure 2: Soldering the Rotor to its Circuit Board

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